"'cause you said forever – now I drive alone past your street"

suche (dringend lol) partner für private rollenspiele!

franzi / 22 / data + av journalist / sports lover (hockey, f1, snowboard, everything action) / pony mom


And when it ended, I couldn’t leave. I felt like I was tied to the podium. In a way, with no fans there, it felt sort of right.
At times the journey to that point had been lonely. Standing up there, on my own, I thought of all the mechanics, the
engineers, all the men and women at AlphaTauri who work behind the scenes to make a moment like that possible.

And then I thought of the boy in the orange helmet.

I felt him there. I knew he was watching.

His dreams were my dreams. My dreams were his dreams. And that moment was our moment.

– Pierre