Hallöchen! Schön, dass ihr hierhin gefunden habt!
Im Moment züchte ich Kaltblüter, wenn ihr mir also reinrassige Kaltblüter in die reservierten Verkäufe stellt, denke ich vielleicht drüber nach. ;)
Schreibt mich ruhig an, ich beiße nicht. Themen: Sherlock, HP, acapella, Howrse Tipps, etc.
Auf ein gutes Spiel!

Roses are red
that much is true,
but violets are purple,
not f*cking blue.
the response:
They are indeed purple,
But one thing you missed.
The concept of "purple"
Didn't always exist.
Some cultures lack names
For a color, you see.
Hence good old Homer
And his "wine-dark see".
A usage so quaint,
A phrasing so old,
For verses of romance
Is sheer f*cking gold.
So roses are red,
Violets once were called blue.
I'm hugely pedantic,
But what else is new?


This here is a Nudelholz. Copy this Nudelholz into your profile to make
better Kuchen or other Teigprodukte! Oder take it and hau it on the
Kopp of a bekloppt Person to give you a better Gefühl than vorher.

I was sleeping very well
in my quitsching Bettgestell.
But in the middle of the Nacht
is that sch*** Ding eingekracht.
I hope that dir that not passiert
And that my English better wird!

In the Winter:
I´m runnig ziemlich fast
Doch the bus is weggerast.
And now I stay im Sleepingzimmer
and have not realy einen Schimmer,
how late it is in Wirklichkeit
denn my clock is eingeschneit.

Copy this in dein Profil
When your English´s instabil
have many fun beim reading
and bei dei´m Kopiering.

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/002/e/3/i_am_sher_locked_ipod_no_2_by_futheurs-d4l4k0r.jpg              ec44aa4a8acaf07ad624dbfe3dd18dacb0996c1b.jpg          

Carpe Diem - das heißt: Liebe das Leben und lebe den Tag

und ja, ich habe das Buch "Carpe Diem" gelesen ;)